Although spiders pose a yearlong threat, homeowners tend to report more invasions from these eight-legged pests when the temperatures start to drop. The experts at TERRO® know the ins and outs of keeping spiders from crossing over your threshold.

So how do you prevent spiders in your house? To get to the bottom of your spider infestation, you're going to have to play detective. Scout out potential openings around the perimeter of your house. Check the foundation for cracks, gaps and holes. Look around windows, gutters, dryer vents and AC units. Think like a spider: Where can I find the leftovers from the BBQ? Can I drink from a leaky gutter? Can I slip through the cracks in the foundation?
Watch Foundation Cracks
In order to secure the premises, Stew Clark, Director of Research at TERRO®, says it’s important to fortify both the inside and the outside of your house – you need to create a spider barrier. Stew recommends placing TERRO® Spider and Insect Traps in high spider traffic areas inside your home: along baseboards and foundation cracks, behind doors, and near windowsills and other arachnid-friendly hangouts. As soon as spiders – including the dreaded brown recluse, black widow and hobo spider – venture onto the trap’s sticky surface, they get stuck and die.
Beyond trapping and killing spiders, the beauty of these traps is they are non-toxic and pesticide-free, so you can use them around kids and pets. Even better, they fold into “tents” to hide trapped insects from direct view and stop curious kids and pets from getting into them. The traps will take care of more than just spiders, too. Scorpions, ants, cockroaches, crickets and other creepy crawlers have also been known to fall prey to the sticky traps. Replace the traps every three months, or sooner, if they fill to capacity with captured spiders and insects.

Border Control
Next, you'll want to head outdoors to spray TERRO® Spider Killer Spray. Find your spiders' infiltration hot spots and go to town with your spray can in order to create a barrier around your house that will last up to 12 weeks. The spray not only provides a long-lasting barrier, but it also works to kill spiders instantly. The Spider Killer Spray can be used inside or outside.
Spiders are often found in woodpiles, heaps of dead leaves or anywhere debris builds up, so be sure to spray the spider killer in these areas too. In addition to spraying, removing debris around your home will lessen the possibility of any unwanted guests coming in.
Using these two tools together, you can't go wrong in knocking out your spider epidemic!