View our series of infographics featuring information about your favorite trRO® products, insect identification, eradication, and much more
Ant Anatomy
Learn all about ant anatomy and information.
Brilliant Facts About Ants
Ants are some of the most fascinating creatures that roam the earth. Find out some cool facts about them here!
U.S. Venomous Spiders: Myths & Facts
Learn facts and proper identification techniques for venomous spiders in the U.S.
Why Liquid Over Gel Bait?
Find out why ants prefer liquid ant bait over gel baits
Insects and Weather
Find out how temperatures and weather affect insects in your area.
How to Get Rid of Ants
Find out the best techniques to help your fight against an ant infestation be a relatively quick and efficient process.
The War on Spiders
Every wintr as the temperatures drop, various pests start looking for a cozy new place to call home. Learn how to make sure spiders don't make your home a permenant stop.
How to Deal With a Fruit Fly Problem
Fruit Fly invasions can test your patience, but the key to victory is knowing your enemy. Learn all about fruit fly issues.
Battling Hornets & Wasps
Learn all about proper safety precautions, next removal techniques, and preventative maintenance for honrets and wasps
A Smelly Nuisance: The Stink Bug
Learn about the distinguishing charactristics to effectively annihilate your stink bug infestation!
Sleep Tight, Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite
Bed Bugs can force people out of their homes and even cause serious psychological distress. Find out how to deal with them.
How to Kill Carpenter Ants
Learn how to identify, eradicate, and prevent future Carpenter Ant invasions.
Why are These Bugs Bugging Me?
Discover why and when different types of insects are most likely to bother you, including the seasons they're most active.
How Invasive Insects Threaten The U.S.
Invasive insect cost us a whopping $15.1 billion in crop losses and forest damaage each year!