Are mosquitoes invading your outdoor space? TERRO® Mosquito Repellant can help get rid of mosquitoes and keep them away.
Mosquito Habitat
Mosquito habitats are any place with standing water. This includes natural habitats such as ponds, swamps, marshes, plants or trees, as well as artificial water containers like abandoned tires, flowerpots, buckets or discarded toys. Even puddles can be ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
With the exception of Antarctica, mosquitoes can be found in all regions of the world. In warm or tropical climates, mosquitoes are active year-round. In moderate or changing climates, mosquitoes will hibernate over winter.
Mosquitoes are a nuisance pest that feed on humans and animals. By sucking blood, they can transmit harmful diseases, including malaria, Dengue fever, West Nile Virus, and several types of encephalitis to humans; heartworm to dogs; and livestock diseases to cows and other animal herds.